The big project

Wow, it is now February.  I have been laid low by a cold for weeks now;  it really does seem my immune system is worn down.  I need a break to recharge.

I plan to get some sun in March;  in fact, I could be spending not much time in London this summer and spring.   I plan to be in Japan at some point to visit my brother and see some friends. I have a project to work on but I don't have to be  in London to do it;  I just need a laptop and a decent internet connection.

I am building a computer game as an art piece.  I am working for hire for a fantastic artist by the name of Paul Noble.  Paul has had exhibitions in New York and London.  We met by chance at a gallery in East London last July.  But really, I got the gig through Paul's girlfriend Georgina who is also a filmmaker and artist.

It all happened last summer in late June 2006. It was a lovely evening and I went to this showing with "mio fratello" Angelo.  We were standing outside and chatting with people.  Angelo was chatting with Paul as it goes and I struck up a conversation with Georgina and another fellow (sorry dude, I forget your name).   'George' was telling me about a film project of  hers; where she was going to re-create scenes from old black and white movies and many of these movies did not exist anymore.  I thought what a great idea and gave Geroge a business card and asked her to let me know when the film would be screened.  She asked what did I do and I replied "well, I make computer games and stuff. "

A few days later,  I get a call from Paul.  He was telling me how he has had this idea for a computer game that he been wanting to make for years.   We met up a few times and discussed and then it all kicked off.  

Now, I have not been doing much work on the game for the last few months;  I have been working freelance on  a few interactive TV projects which has kept me quite busy.  I can only do so much.  That is one of the reason I left my job at Sky Digital where I worked for 3 years previously.  Quitting my job last year, was a calculated risk and I am glad to say it has paid off. 

I shan't give away to much about the game just yet but here is a sample of some artwork. 

Canus Facing Camera

Stay tuned for more updates on the game project through the next few months.  It is going to be my main activity this year starting in a few weeks. I am getting to the end of my current freelance job. I am really happy about this project; for one thing, I get to use some of my experience and knowledge and it is a bit of a new direction for me as I get to wear a few different hats on this project.  I am not just being a 'code monkey' sitting in the corner tapping on a keyboard.  To make a computer game you need artwork and I have been finding artists to assist Paul and I on the game;  we have one guy doing the main in game artwork;  his name is Dave F. of Paradise Games fame.  the image of the dog was based on a pastel by Paul. And it looks like we will be getting another digital artist to assist.

Lastly, Geroge had a screening of her film "Theda" last November.  It was great.  It may be coming to art house cinema near you.

Georgina Starr

Theda by Georgina Starr

Paul Noble at the Whitechapel Art gallery

Parting Words (copyright 2009 - 2012,  all photos and words are copyright Manjit Bedi unless otherwise noted,.)