
Where has the time gone?

Where has the time gone?

Well, the year started out fairly busy.  I have been working non-stop since January until about July.  I went to Argentina for 10 days in around the end of February and into March (I was still doing bits of work while there which was fine).  I was just chilling out in the heat in Buenos Aires.  It was so good to catch with up with old friends and make new ones.

Argentinean Empanadas

Juan recording some music

I was really busting a gut on some iPhone projects;  doing a bit of volunteering at the Shunt lounge at London Bridge which has now since closed and move to a new location.  

Areial performance at the Shunt Lounge

I sprained an old injury which really slowed me down and limited what I could do for a while.   The injury is such that I need  rehabilitation done on my leg.  And I will probably be getting an MRI scan done of injured area around my knee.

There are no comments at the moment, the system I was using is no longer available.

Tell me should I use WordPress?  I would be be blogging more if I did (I promise).

Parting Words (copyright 2009 - 2012,  all photos and words are copyright Manjit Bedi unless otherwise noted,.)