

Hmm, I have not been working on the web-site like I intended of late.  I do have a bad cold which has really come at an inconvenient time (when is being ill ever convenient).

I have been keeping moderately busy with learning to how make iPhone software.  All going well, some applications could be on the iPhone app store in the New Year.I am working freelance again and rather busy getting some projects happening.  I have been discussing various projects by phone, email and in person.  I hope to get some definite idea sooner than later which projects are actually going to be "real".

I have also been working on a short film idea.  It is going to be quite a low budget/ no budget short to begin with.  Ideally, some acquaintances will do the acting.  It is quite enjoyable to apply myself to this and has been a long time coming.   But I need to have the money side of things bringing money in first.

It is a balancing act making a living and pursuing creative goals.


Last week on Dec. 15th, I went to see a demonstration of Japanese Wood block printing at the British Museum.  

Parting Words (copyright 2009 - 2012,  all photos and words are copyright Manjit Bedi unless otherwise noted,.)