Recently in London

I am really quite tired at the moment. Work has been good but relentless of late;  I was up against a crunch period to get some demo-ware done for a trade show.  I did my best.  The last night and working weekends really takes it out of you.  I have not felt so exhausted in a long time.

Now, I am taking some time off to relax but I am not being idle.  I have some visuals to put together for the guys at Urban Visuals.  And I have just started doing some volunteering at Shunt.  What is Shunt you may be asking?  Shunt it a theatre troupe that operates a lounge/performance space under London Bridge Train station.  It is simply an awesome place;  I had sort of a role in a performance piece called "The Peoples Republic of Shunt"; it was inspired by the film "The Lives of Others".  People who come on these nights may get detained interrogated and invited to do secret agent training.  My role is a tank mechanic but last night, I was more doing recruitment for secret service.  I also got to spend time in the VIP Red Room with Commandant Eleanor.  She did say I have to toughen up  on letting people have access to the Red Room it is very exclusive.

       Shunt Web-site






As well, I find myself wondering where am I going next - shall I stay in London for a while yet or is approaching time to return to Vancouver?

I am still working on the travelogue from my trip to South America!  I will finish it this year.

In the fall, I plan to go Barcelona to meet up with friends and my friend from Osaka Shuichi will be in BCN in November filming a documentary with NHK.  I have not seen Shu in years - it will be good to meet up in the flesh.

Lastly, last Sunday I went to see the Thames Festival parade.



Parting Words (copyright 2009 - 2012,  all photos and words are copyright Manjit Bedi unless otherwise noted,.)