A brief visit to Brazil - part 1

I arrived on Friday January 11th;  the plane left Buenos Aires about an hour late - typical.

I arrange for someone to pick me up from the airport as I heard the airport is not so close to the city and a taxi can be a bit costly. Lino met me at the airport and we drove back into the city;  at first traffic was not bad;  but when we got to Paulista street in the heart of Sao Paulo, it slowed down quite a bit.  It looks very modern here with all the tall buildings and glass and like many big cities in the world. The bus network looks quite modern in comparison to Buenos Aires; the buses in Bs As are privately run and in and various different states of condition; you dod see some smoke belching behemoths on the road there.  Driving around Sao Paulo the city looks fairly well kept; many of the buildings look they were built in the last fifty years;  some favelas were pointed out to me.  A few people mentioned how the river here is quite polluted and can really stink on a hot day;  the government says that want to clean it up like the Thames in London was but so far has anything been done?

I took a nap as I had not really slept the night before;  I got the airport at about 4:30 in the morning to catch my flight; for International flights you are asked to get the airport two and half hours before the flight is to leave.

I was staying in apartment with Rodrigo; originally,  I was going to stay with his sister Mari but she already had someone staying with her. I had made contact with Mari from a posting on the "Thorn Tree" forum on the Lonely planet web-site.

Later that night I met Rodrigo and Mari's family and had Sabbath with them and there was a great amount of food. I had never been to Sabbath meal before and here I was going to one in Brazil. The fish was very good.  Their father had recently returned from Israel and he was showing everyone the photos.  He has a really impressive house kind of a  bungalow style house and they have 3 dogs and a parrot.  The parrot started talking and I was told the parrot bites; so I did not get too close to his cage;  he did seem to like having some attention and reacting when people paid him attention. I did wonder about him being in a cage all the time.  Birds like parrots can be very social animals and many live in flocks.  We then went for a drive and were going to check out a Samba rehearsal but it was too busy to hard to find a parking spot.  We then met some of Rodrigo's friends; two of his friends were moving out of the city; so it was a going away drinks.  It was a group of friends who knew each other from university.


On Saturday the 12th, I met with Junia and her family: Leonel & Sofia. Junia I had met some years ago when she was living in London;  so had not seen each other in what seems like 6 years or longer.  Sofia is so cute at 4 years old.  We went to a very good restaurant in Villa Magdalega called "Pitanga"; it was buffet style and I was really impressed with the quality and variety of dishes.  



After lunch we went to a kind if flea market where you can buy art, curios and vintage items in  at Praça Benedito Calixto in Pinheiros.  I saw some really clever artwork that was based on the Brazilian flag;  I would have bought one but they would have been to big to add my luggage. Before leaving, Argentina I was quite ruthless and getting rid of things that I no longer needed.


When we went into the covered section of the market, they happened to be playing some music by one of my favourite bands "Mau Mau" from Italy. I was quite chuffed to be hearing the song "Venus Nabalera".


We then went back to their apartment in Morimbo and chatted. The apartment complex is 30 years old and when it was first built; it was the only thing on the hill side.  It is an excellent example of urban planning.  


They have a swimming pool, tennis court, gym and restaurant and even a waterfall on site. 


It makes it very easy for families as there are all kinds of classes available on the premises; Sofia is taking ballet lessons here. And some of the forest was preserved so the area is surrounded by green.  There are many other high rises but none them are situated so well like this place.  They have an apartment on the 22nd floor in one of the apartments.  We were talking about music and using You Tube watched a few videos.  We talked about the famous Argentina rock artist Charlie Garcia;  Charlie has apparently lost it a bit;  we watch a video clip of him jumping out a hotel window into a swimming pool.  Leone also found some videos by "Sumo" & "Bersuit".  I introduced them to the recent music of "The Shins" and "Clap Your Hands Say Yeah"  and the the internet connection died before I could show them the music of "The Dears" one of my favourite bands of recent times.  I rate this for being a good band from Canada; they are from Montreal.


I later met Ben W. I know Ben's brother Mark and this the first time we met. We went out for Sushi near where he lives in heart of the town  there is a street of restaurants;  It was called Daisho and when we left there was a torrential downpour; I guess I should not be surprised as this here I was in a semitropical region.  We got a taxi and i had the address of the apartment but the driver did not know the street; it is a side street after all;  I had to call Mari long distance using my UK phone;  it took a little while to get there and the driver was very friendly and was speaking Portuguese with me;  I understood some of what he was saying.  At the end he was saying something like "pi canya" when we were just near the apartment.

I tried Cashew juice for the first time while here and it was quite good;  why don't we have it in the UK?  Maybe the juice does not travel well?


It is now Sunday January 13th. In the morning, I heard some squawking and looked outside across the street there was a green parrot sitting in the top of a tree;  I called to it and it seemed to notice me;  I was telling the bird to "come closer"  and shortly after he flew off and it turns out there was another parrot who I did not see in the tree until they both flew away.  I later told Rodrigo and showed him the photo; he was surprised he had not seen any parrots before in the area.

I have been listening to Portuguese and I am definitely understanding some words here & there.   It is, of course, similar to Spanish and I find myself remembering the few Portuguese words I 'knew' from being in Portugal with a friend in 2006.

Parting Words (copyright 2009 - 2012,  all photos and words are copyright Manjit Bedi unless otherwise noted,.)