

Screenshot of Protostars

Project Description

May 2021 to Sept 2022

I was part of a 2 person developer team working on this game at Evolved Play working with a team of game industry veterans; the creative leads were Kevin Caldwell & Sandee Vallee with game design by Kelly Tran - it was a very collaborative process. The game was going through iterative game play refinement & testing with young players & their families; it was coming along quite nicely if I may say so. The project was being developed for mobile first.

Multiplayer support was added using Photon

One of the major features that I was working on a space map level using hexagonal tile maps:

  • it is worth mentioning, the game play here went through many revisions following the user testing with young players
  • in the space map, the player would tap to move to available position with the ultimate quest to find the portal to the next level
  • obstacles could be removed by using actions associated with available energy
  • there was performance issue with path finding which was resolved by using the Unity jobs system & this incredible asset called Any Path; doing path finding is an expensive task - the available paths would be computed every time that a player moved

Tumble Text gameplay

  • hex tile map in the Unity editor

Tumble Text gameplay

Tumble Text gameplay