The perils of working from home

I have been working from home for the last month.  I am developing some ideas and doing some writing.  I have had a few accidents and mishaps since then.  Hmm.

A few weeks ago, I was waiting to hear from a friend about a meeting;  while I was waiting, I decided to do something about the ice in the fridge freezer.  I have a small half height fridge under the kitchen counter.  Well, being the great Wally that I can be, I used a knife to chip the ice away.  There was a noise and then a stream of escaping gas.  Quite a 'cartoon' moment.  I opened the kitchen window and went out for a few hours.  I learned my lesson.  But in my defense, I was rented an apartment with a broken freezer door on the fridge which just aggravated the problem with the always ice building up. Suffice, to say, there is now a new fridge with a proper freezer compartment.  And living without refrigeration for over a week was not great fun.

But, yesterday was something else.  I did not have an accident but I was witness to something just outside the apartment.  Around about 11:30 AM, I was getting some groceries delivered (the convenience of buying groceries over the Internet).  My neighbour John was just arriving and someone from across the street said something to him like "John, doesn't that tree look like it is about to fall over?"  I went inside and the two of them were talking,

Yesterday, was a very windy day and there was gale warnings.

Later around about 2, I noticed a man on the street with a clipboard.  I thought, he must be waiting for someone to make a delivery or something like that.  He was there for the next few hours just walking around on the street. 

At about 4:30, I heard some commotion outside and people yelling.  I look out the window and a tree has fallen over and was lying partially over a parked car.  This was right outside the window to my apartment.

I went outside and the man asked me if the parked was mine which it was not.  I have never owned a car and I never drive anymore since I have been living in London.  It turns out he was hanging about because of the tree.  He was waiting for someone to come and cut the tree down.  The chap who came to cut the tree arrived about half an hour after the tree fell over.  Fortunately, no one was hurt.  The man with the clipboard was making sure no one parked under the tree meanwhile.  He could not do anything about the already parked cars.  Imagine, the poor owner of the car that the tree fell on.  The car did not appear to be too heavily damaged but I did not really have a close look to inspect it.


The road is blocked

Parting Words (copyright 2009 - 2012,  all photos and words are copyright Manjit Bedi unless otherwise noted,.)