Some Video clips

Game Play

Some friends and I checked out the game play exhibit in July 2006.  Have you ever seen such a big joystick

Music from the Sultan's Elephant

From the street performance in May 2006

Modernism at the V&A

I went to Victoria & Albert museum during the exhibit on Modernism in 2006.  Once a month on a Friday the museum puts on specials nights.  On this occasion there was a troupe performing modern dance.

Here are 3 video clips from the past few months.  They were shot with my mobile phone.

The links below are the events at which the clips were shot. Note: the video clips don't load into RSS readers; you need to visit my web-site proper to see them.  Cheers. 

The Sultan's Elephant

Modernism at the V&A

Game Play @ the HTTP gallery

By the way, that is Al masterfully vanquishing insects while playing centipede and my 'little sis' Karen in the V&A clip.

Parting Words (copyright 2009 - 2012,  all photos and words are copyright Manjit Bedi unless otherwise noted,.)